What Did I Miss *Shanghai*

What Did I Miss *Shanghai*

Did you know that www.bpigs.com is banned in China? Here's what happened during the last three weeks in Shanghai:

"Reactivation" the 9th Shanghai Biennale:

The Academy of Reciprocal Enlightenment

a lot of work to be done one week before opening...

Site of City Pavilions one week before opening

Fashionably late was too late for the opening party because it was almost empty when I arrived (everyone left because the champagne ran out).

Rashid Johnson

Ryan Gander

Simon Fujiwara

Lucy & Jorge Orta

Wang Yuyang

All Stars

San Francisco Pavilion (too many people outside!)

Dusseldorf Pavilion

Detroit Pavilion (They chose me out of the crowd to dance with them, but I was ok with it because it was to Sharevari. Sorry, no picture of that fine performance.)

Pittsburgh Pavilion (an estate sale)

It was hard to restrain myself from "windowing", but I managed.

Lima Pavilion

Tehran Pavilion

"Time Traveller" opening @ Rockbund Museum:

Future site of the Luz Foundation Museum opening next October:

The Luz Foundation office has a Damien Hirst on the same table as the coffee machine...

Bili Bidjocka @ stageBACK, Shanghai:

Overheard: "They could have at least chosen better looking models..."

Around town:

Berlin's TV tower is tragically lonely compared to this one.

How did I let this get away?

This really exists: Thamestown, a British style (ghost)town in the suburb of Shanghai that exists primarily for Chinese tourists and happy couples to have their wedding photo shoots.