What Did I Miss-NEW YORK, Nov 7-10

What Did I Miss-NEW YORK, Nov 7-10

Julia Sherman, THE DOCTOR AND THE SAILOR- part of the Recess performances @ Moma
Over the duration of the evening, the artist and one live model stage Pablo Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon

While Chelsea galleries are still fervently working on re-building, re-groupping and re-opening as soon as possible; the younger spaces at LES expressed their sympathy and showed a tiny little bit of a finger at the folks uptown by opening by the dozens this week. Despite the post storm- snow storm, New Yorkers found their way to the light of art and free drinks, after what seemed like a very dark and lonesome forever (10 days)


klaer, uglee callamari Esther Kläs, Ugo Rondinone, Matteo Callegari @ RAMIKENCRUCIBLE

front: Isaac Lyles and artist Andra Ursuta (previous show at the gallery) ; back Mike from Ramiken and artist Ugo Rondinone

Mike Ramiken (who we are going to call like that until we find out the last name)- in a snow dance @afterparty at Fig.19

Four Corners- Viktor Kopp @ Bureau 
a tiny space a few people already have recommended as one of the best in LES. 


NO HOTEL- Kevin Zucker @11 Rivington (which now has two locations)

artist Kevin Zucker - sporting the boyfriend look we will later see in Chloe too. 

Deep Space (insides) with Harm van den Dor­pel, VALIE EXPORT, Rochelle Gold­berg, Dan Gra­ham, Calla Henkel and Max Pite­goff, Josh Kline, and Car­los Reyes.

curator Karen Archley (middle) and friends

I am not pregnant - LIZZI BOUGATSOS & THORNTON DIAL @James Fuentes 

left: artist Michael DeLuccia, dealer Isaac Lyles right: actress Chloë Sevigny

artist Lizzy Bougatsos 

Pop Rally presents RECESS @Moma
"Eleven emerging artists "intervene" in MoMA's Painting and Sculpture Galleries with objects and performances created specifically for this night, engaging with the Museum's collection in new and unexpected ways" --- Now the m i n u t e you read that, you know it is not going to be new or unexpected. 

Miserendino has produced three roving remote-controlled copies of Auguste Rodin’s Monument to Balzac, the sculpture that has been an iconic presence in MoMA’s main lobby since its 2004 reopening.


In this “migratory feminist reading action,” 12 people read (more like stammer) specific texts in front of chosen works. 

Corin Hewitt and Molly Mc Fadden - The Artist Look Book Tour
VCUarts Art Education instructor, Molly McFadden and Sculpture professor Corin Hewitt lead a tour examining the personal style and wardrobe of a selection of artists in MoMA’s collection. Choosing to comment (predictably) the classics: Dali, Warhol, Beuys, Duchamp,  Bourgeois, but also more edgy choises like Cy Twombly, Hanne Darboven, Aleksandr Rodchenko, Vavara Stepanova and the pre-hipster look of David Hockney (Mc Fadden's favorite).  This quite well thought out and funny tour was the highlight of the evening, if not for everything else but for this picture of baby-grandpa Picasso in shorts and leather sandals. He rocks the look!