What Did I Miss -New York

What Did I Miss -New York

This, dear Artist, is the Whitney Museum- pronounced We Tni. You will come to show here, when you grow up. During the openings you wait in line, then check your name at the girls with the ipad at the door. The space is candle lit, they have good music, bad wine, and delicious pop corn (and tortillia chips). You are not allowed to smoke, and you are not allowed to take pictures.

The artist on show (worth seeing) is Wade Guyton

dealer Isaac Lyles, Emily Nathan from ARTnews and artist Liz Magic Laser


this is gallery is not what you expect when hearing Salon 94- at least it was under ground. 

Glen Baldridge @ Klaus von Nichtssagend ( yes, the name of the gallery is a joke)

I will re - post a photo of that Rose at the New Museum, because now I know it is Isa Genzken

Friday was one of these evenings and somehow ended up like this- in Bushwick. 

and that was Saturday.


-Woody Allen might be the most known, but he is not unique. There are more like him up here- they even come in sizes.
- Everybody must be mentioned by their first and last name at all times. Actually first, last name and a short life summary. New Yorkers are very chatty. 
-The amount of plastic the average american household is using, would bring any young German soul to tears.
-Halloween is a season here, not even slightly compared to the Spargel season It is a very close call between the bagels and the pumpkins you see daily. You got for example pumpkin ale, pumpkin latte ( a coffee?), and pumpkin candy. The only store I run into with a Christmas decoration instead is... 

- Hurricane Sandy is called The Frankenstorm.